Sunday, August 10, 2008

One Hundred Pushups

Okay, so I'm working through the One Hundred Pushup Challenge. I finished week 2 and took the exhaustion test to see if I've improved....when I started, I could only do 10 pushups. Today I did 23! Go me! I'm almost 1/4 way to my 100 goal!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Originally uploaded by J.Salmoral
If this had been the bicycle I was on today, I might have enjoyed it. As it was, I spent 25 minutes on a recumbent (sp?) exercise bike and my left leg went to sleep! The discomfort of that was only exceeded by my numb buttocks when I stood up!

I am trying to work out 6 days a week, so, I will have to go back to the elliptical machine for my cardio.....nothing goes to sleep on that!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I didn't get Breaking Dawn until daughter had our copy....but I couldn't stand it, so I ran to Wal-Mart and picked up another one. Though I got started later than my 15 year old, I finished before her!

It was fantastic! I'm not giving anything away and I'm glad Meyer kept things moving so that several things could have played out in the end. I was never sure of the ending until I got there. Definitely the BEST series I've ever read!

I just hope she publishes Edward's view before we all go into withdrawal again! I'm sure I'll read anything she decides to we just have to wait for the MOVIE!