Sunday, August 14, 2011

# 67 -- The Chaos

Rachel Ward is doing an excellent job of writing compelling novels for young adults. When I start one of her books, I can't put it down! It gets in my head and I've just got to finish it. (Click here to read my blog post about Num8ers earlier this year.)

The Chaos is the second in the Num8ers trilogy. The young man in the story, Adam, sees numbers when he looks at people. The numbers are the day the person will die and Adam can even sense how their deaths will come to them. What a burden to carry around with you at the age of 15!

What happens when Adam sees hundreds of people with the same death date? This story will keep you on the edge of your seat to the very last page. I had to tell my husband, "Stop talking to me, I'm almost done!" while getting to the end.

Can't wait to pick up the last in the series, 1nf1n1ty. Thanks to Chicken House for such great publishing!

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