Saturday, January 19, 2008

Obama and the National Anthem

I don't fault Obama for not putting his hand over his heart during this National Anthem. I might have put mine over my ears instead.

Though I don't know who I'm voting for yet, we could give the guy a break. We're supposed to put our hands over our hearts when we say the PLEDGE, but there's no such requirement for the National Anthem.

I've sung the National Anthem several times to sports crowds and NEVER ONCE placed my hand over my heart when doing it. It's a traditional expectation, not a required one.

I'll get off my soapbox now....

1 comment:

Ms. Mc.'s Message said...

hey marnie! itotally missed teacher tube for some reason. I guess i was all wrapped up in other stuff & making my deadline for the 23. Thanks for the info. b/cuz i totally agree about all of the porn on you tube.

i had not seen the teacher tube video. i almost fell ot of my chair laughing at that. thanks for the info.