Thursday, December 16, 2010

Number 101 -- Alex Cross's Trial by James Patterson

This is my first audio book to discuss on my blog, but I listen to audio books all the time! I have them in my car, on my iPod and playing from my computer. My husband shakes his head when he comes into the house and hears a book blasting from the computer while I cook or when I'm vacuuming and he can't talk to me, because my iPod is all the way up so I can "read" while I work. It makes housework much more enjoyable!

I like James Patterson and have read many of his Alex Cross books. This one is different, in that the story is told by Alex Cross from one of the stories his grandma used to tell him as a boy. Set in the early 1900's, the story follows a young white lawyer who is sent back to his home town in Mississippi to investigate nearby lynchings. The story goes behind the scenes with several characters and reveals their struggles for safety in a corrupt and volatile period in our history.

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